Whispers of India takes you on a journey to the villages of India - where the magic that makes these beautiful stole happens!

Those hands that weave, those fingers that intertwine the threads in a play and dance that brings alive new colors and patterns, those lives that exist to create these works of art - we salute them, and thank them for allowing us to adorn ourselves with their creations. 



Our cotton is hand-picked. It is ginned in a slow process that forms a fine, high staple cloth that is soft and luxurious to the touch. Along with muslin, Indian silks and linen are also famous. These are the empty canvases on which we weave and print designs of great beauty, sharing our art and expression with the world. India is so large and diverse, that these are just glimpses of different influences and designs. Over centuries, generations of artists have worked and created breathtaking compositions. Some remain the same, others evolved. The spirit of creativity lives on, and shines with every piece that is woven and printed.


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Over 500 weavers in rural india work daily to create beautiful hand crafted pieces. Their hard work, their simple tools, and their amazing spirit allows them to support themselves and their families, and create works of art through their passion, hard work, knowledge, and creativity. Many have left to become laborers in the city for better pay, but the ancient art of weaving still thrives, and we want to be part of this beautiful art form by bringing some of their creations to you.


Families pass down knowledge. Art and technique are ingrained in their existence. Theirs is a way of life, that knows beautiful creations in every heart beat.

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Traditional weaving methods use the simplest of equipment. The looms, spindles, threads are all eco-friendly. All processes are manual, so leave no carbon footprint! What a beautiful way to exist. Every stole we bring you gives us joy, for, in our little way, we are able to contribute to these artists, and to the environment.


To me, it is important to be a person that I want to be. To me, it is important to use things in my life that have been crafted with passion and dedication. To me, it is important to exist in harmony with myself, nature, and all around me. 

Welcome to the world of Whispers of India!