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Keep yourself and your little one healthy

Pregnancy is a life changing event. My program gives you personalized care through your pregnancy. The Pregrancy Program keeps you and your little one healthy by eating wholesome food, staying happy, and designing an exercise routine that allows your body to be better prepared for the changes. We also teach you develop an intimate bonding between you and your baby. The program helps you deal with stress, fear, frustrations. It ensures proper sleep to allow your body and mind to rest and rejuvenate.

You are welcome to join my program any time during your pregnancy. The Pregnancy Program is tailor-made for you, based on your requirements. I also offer you the added benefit of postnatal care, including lactation and emotional well being.

When a child comes into your home, it is the most joyous event. Yet, it is something completely new. My program supports the journey for all parents, including those who have a child through surrogacy. The program focuses on the mother, but also talks about the vital role of the father and family. It deals with fears, questions, doubts parents might have before the child arrives, and challenges they face after the child is born.

This holistic Pregnancy Care Program takes you through this amazing journey, making it even more special and beautiful for you.

The key benefits of the Pregnancy Care program

Make this phase of your life joyful, easy and stress free.

Identify and fulfill your needs for a healthy pregnancy.

Handle common pregnancy symptoms depending on your trimester.

Learn to cope with the changes your body and mind are going through.

Deal with cravings, nausea, backache.

Prevent or control pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, thyroid disorders, anemia, underweight and obesity.

Build your strength, to prepare for a healthy delivery, bringing your child into this world in the best possible way.

Understand depression, anxiety, insecurities, stress, and fear, and how to cope with them.

Balancing your lifestyle and work to boost your well-being, health, and positivity.

Creating the best environment at home, and with your spouse, to make it the perfect home for your little one.


Price and package options for the Pregnancy Care program


  • First Initial free consultation of 45 minutes, either in person or online

  • A one-hour session twice a month

  • Customized health plan: Created based on your lifestyle, medical history, current medical conditions, and health goals.

  • Customized diet chart: Created based on your work timings, travel plans, availability of ingredients, allergies, and nutritional requirements.

  • Customized food plans are created by taking into consideration your condition, trimester, body requirement, work timings, travel plans, availability of ingredients, allergies, and so on.

  • Regular Detox: Done to support your body’s repair mechanisms, and give your body an internal reboot.

  • Physical activity: Exercise you enjoy that keeps your muscles and bones healthy.

  • Optional cooking class.

  • Handouts with relevant helpful information.

  • Email support.

My program takes a holistic approach. I look at balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, career, relationships, and spirituality. At the end of the program, many opt to renew the same. If you choose to stop, you will receive a one-time maintenance guideline document, which will help you continue on your journey to good health.

Online sessions are as effective as meeting personally. My program is open to participation globally.

  • Online / phone support Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m

  • Different time zones other than Indian Standard Time will be handled accordingly

  • Off on Sundays and on public holidays




Within India

3 months: ₹15000

6 months: ₹27,000

9 months: ₹50,000

12 months: ₹60,000

Outside India

3 months: $800

6 months: $1500

9 months: $2000

12 months: $2500